The Borough Council comprises twelve members, elected for a five year term of office.
The current Borough Council was elected in June 2004 and membership at 31st December 2008 was as follows:
MAYOR: Councillor Pat Crotty (FG) 056-7761822 (work) |
DEPUTY MAYOR: Councillor Betty Manning (FG) 056-7722950 (Home) |
Councillor Michael Lanigan (FF) 056-7752180 (Home) |
Councillor Andrew McGuinness (FF) 056-7770672 (Work) |
Councillor Joe Reidy (FF) 056-7767824 (Home) |
Councillor John Coonan (FF) 056-7762398 (Home) |
Councillor Paul Cuddihy (FG) 056-722439 (Home) |
Councillor Martin Brett (FG) 056-7761116 (Home) |
Councillor Marie Fitzpatrick (LAB) 056-7764438 (Home) |
Councillor Sean O hArgain (LAB) 087 4192322 |
Councillor Noel Frawley (LAB) 087-6455239 |
Councillor Malcolm Noonan (GREEN PARTY) 056-7723276 (Home) |
In order to promote business, reduce traffic congestion and facilitate residential parking Kilkenny Borough Council decided to implement a Scheme of on street parking charges. The scheme will come into effect in 2009. As part of the scheme it is proposed to revise the charges in the existing car parks to facilitate commerce and a demand for long stay parking requirements.
The continued employment of a Traffic Supervisor to monitor compliance in disabled parking bays has attracted considerable positive attention, and it is intended to continue this initiative in 2009.
Kilkenny Borough Council initiated a new 3-year Roads Programme in 2006. The following is a brief synopsis of the various projects completed in the second year of this programme.
Paving projects undertaken in 2008 were:
- Chapel Avenue (Footpaths)
- Pennyfeather Lane
- William Street
- Garden Row (part of)
- James Street Footpaths (part of)
Re-Surfacing works undertaken in 2008 were:
- Assumption Place
- O'Loughlin Road
- Church Lane
- William Street
- Jacob St Footpaths
Extra Parking Bays provided in 2008 at:
- Fr Albert Place
Pennefeather Lane
Works on Pennefeather Lane involved the provision of ducting for the undergrounding of existing overhead services, upgrading of existing services, drainage improvements and resurfaced with Tegula paving.
Chapel Avenue
The footpaths were resurfaced here with Tegula paving and the road way resurfaced with macadam.
Housing Estates
Assumption place was resurfaced as part of the 2008 programme and speed ramps were also provided in the estate.
William St
The footpaths at the top of William St were resurfaced with Tegula paving and the parking area was resurfaced with macadam.
Garden Row and James St Footpaths
These two areas were resurfaced using Tegula paving and will be included for completion as part of the 2009 Roads programme.
O'Loughlin Road
This road was strengthened with mesh track reinforcement and resurfaced using stone mastic asphalt. The footpaths were also resurfaced with macadam. Provision has been made for the installation of two pedestrian crossings on O'Loughlin Road and these will be completed in 2009.
Jacob Street
The works in this area included footpath repair and drainage repair on the roadway.
Following the completion of the 12 new housing units in Fr Albert place, three new spaces were provided in the green area opposite the new development.
In all completed projects cognisance was taken of disability issues with best practice methods being used. Solar Power Periodic School Signs were erected in 2008 and are located at the following locations:
- 2 No. Gaol Road
- 3 No. Stephen Street
- 2 No. Parnell Street
- 2 No. James' Street
- 2 No. Michael Street
- 2 No. Upper New Street
- 2 No. Ballybought Street
- 2 No. Granges Road
In addition to the above, works commenced on the Kilkenny Urban spaces Project (ie The Parade and Canal Square). This project also includes the provision of new public toilets and is due for completion in late 2009.
Kilkenny Local Authorities new sports complex at Scanlon Park (The Watershed) opened for business in late 2008. The old James Stephens pool is closed and is surplus to requirements and its future use is yet undecided. The new complex offers improved facilities for all age groups and is not confined to swimming activities only. Its use extends to all aspects of indoor and outdoor activities and the complex is an exciting addition to and compliments other sporting activities in the City and Environs.
The new complex is operated by the Kilkenny Local Authorities Leisure Complex Ltd and the manager can be contacted at 7734620 .
Kilkenny Borough Council and Kilkenny County Council have jointly decided to provide a state of the art pool and leisure centre at Scanlon Park, Loughboy. Construction of this complex progressed during 2007 and the complex is due to open late 2008.
Kilkenny Borough Councils Annual Parks and Open Spaces Programme ensures that Kilkenny consistently scores high in the National Tidy Towns Competition and gold medal status was achieved in 2008. The overall improvement in marks is such that overall victory is again in our sights. The Borough Council Nursery at Evans Lane, Kilkenny is the base from which the Head Gardener directs her staff to enhance the view of Kilkenny for visitors and natives.